Column Keywords

The following keywords set attributes on column level. They must be set directly after the table keywords and before the index keywords (if any). Column keywords are grouped per column. If you want to set a column keyword, the column must be identified first (Field_Number), and then you can set one or more column keywords for that particular column. The keywords will apply to the last Field_Number that was specified.

Most of the keywords discussed will be automatically set by the driver and will never be added to the intermediate file.

The length of a column for example, is defined at the server and normally this is not changed on the DataFlex side. In some situations, you may want to change the attribute on the DataFlex side only. In those cases, you should use the keywords or associated attributes to setup the desired value.

The following intermediate file keywords set column attributes:


See Also

Intermediate Files

Order of Keywords

Header Keywords

Table Keywords

Index Keywords