During development, you will probably be developing using either the Embedded Database or an SQL database server, such as SQL Server. You also might start your development using Embedded tables and then wish to convert over to a SQL database. The development steps are mostly the same but different strategies are required for setting up your databases.
When working with embedded database tables, development consists of:
1. Establishing your database tables
This is usually done by creating tables using the Studio’s Table Editor. The table files (.dat, .k??, .vld, etc.) will be stored in your workspace’s data folder. These files contain your table data and meta-data.
2. Development in the Studio
After your tables are created you will create Data Dictionaries (stored in DDSrc) and your application components - main program, views, selection lists, etc. (stored in AppSrc). This is where you will spend most of your development time.
When working with SQL databases using the DataFlex SQL drivers, development consists of:
1. Creating managed connections
You will use the Studio to define your managed connections. This determines where your database server resides and how you log into it. All tables will use a managed connection ID to determine which database contain the table. Essentially your first step is to create a managed connection for a server and make sure you can log in to it.
2. Establishing your database tables
You have more options here. You may:
3. Development in the Studio
After your tables are created you will create Data Dictionaries (stored in DDSrc) and your application components - main program, views, selection lists, etc. (stored in AppSrc). This process is essentially the same with embedded or SQL databases.
Understanding How Connectivity Works