Driver Configuration

It is possible to configure the behavior of a driver through configuration files. Configuration files can be located anywhere in DFPATH. In general, one configuration file per install is enough. There are situations where there is a need to have different configurations for different deploy environments on one machine/network. In that case the configuration file should be placed in the deployment environment rather than in the overall DataFlex environment.

Driver Configuration files are named:


DB2: DB2_Drv.INT


Pervasive.SQL: DfBtrDrv.INT

These configuration files setup "global" behavior. Since the DataFlex ODBC Driver allows a DataFlex program to connect to any database for which there is an ODBC driver available, it requires a more flexible way to configure, this is why the DataFlex ODBC Driver supports database-specific configuration files in addition to the global configuration file. A database-specific configuration file is named: <database>.INT.

In this section we describe the configuration options for specific database servers. The most popular database systems are discussed. If the database you are connecting to is not discussed in this document, there is a section on setting up a new configuration file.

The general format of the configuration file consists of lines of text separated by carriage return and line feed (CR/LF) characters. Each line may be up to 255 characters long and consists of a keyword and value pair or a comment.

Keywords may be upper, lower or mixed case. Comments are preceded by the semicolon (;) character. In-line comments are not supported. White space, defined as blank spaces and tab characters, is not significant and may be used for legibility.


See Also

Connectivity Concepts