The sort direction of the segment.
SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC)
The direction of a certain segment. If you want to set the direction, this must be done directly after the Index_Segment keyword. The keyword can be set to either ASCENDING or DESCENDING. ASCENDING is the default value.
This keyword should only be used for Client indexes. Server indexes will be whatever they are as defined on the server - the behavior when applying this keyword to server indexes is unpredictable. Only the INDEX_NUMBER and INDEX_NAME keywords apply to server indexes.
Therefore, if we wanted to modify the index below to make the last two index segments descending,
Index_number 4
Index_Number_Segments 3
Index_Segment_Field 5
Index_Segment_Field 3
Index_Segment_Field 2
the definition would look like:
Index_number 4
Index_Number_Segments 3
Index_Segment_Field 5
Index_Segment_Field 3
Index_Segment_Direction DESCENDING
Index_Segment_Field 2
Index_Segment_Direction DESCENDING
Index Keywords, SQL Index Types