
Indicates the column is used as a case insensitive index segment.

Supported By

SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC)



Associated Attribute



The DataFlex Embedded Database supports case insensitive index segments. SQL back ends do not support this. The driver uses a work-around to implement case insensitive index segment support. The work-around is to create a hidden column, which is defined in the table on the server but not reported by the driver. The hidden column directly follows the original column. It will store the original column values uppercased.

To indicate a column is hidden, the Next_Column_Hidden keyword is used in the field definition of the original column. The keyword can only be set to Uppercased.

In SQL Server and DB2 the database server will automatically maintain the contents of the hidden column. This does not require any special settings in DB2 but for the SQL Server database the option ARITHABORT must be set to ON. Whenever a table that has at least one case insensitive segment is opened or created, the driver will check if the database option is set correctly. If it is not set correctly a warning will be generated. The user has the option to let the driver attempt to change the database option. The table cannot be opened or created until the database option ARITHABORT is set to ON.

See Also

Column Keywords