It is possible to open a table with a connection string with or without using an intermediate file. The general way to do this for a SQL Driver is by using the format:
Open {drivername}:[{schemaname}#]{table}@{connectstring} [|options| [intfile=<filepath>.int] ]
drivername: one of the drivers listed here
schemaname: database schema name
table: table name
connectstring: connection string
intfile: intermediate (INT) file;
if used:
• The INT file will be used to open the table in conjunction with the connection string
• The DRIVER_NAME, SERVER_NAME, DATABASE_NAME and SCHEMA_NAME keywords from the INT file will be skipped; those values will be taken from the open string
• Cache (CCH) files will not be used
• Restructuring of the table is not possible
if omitted:
• the table will be opened without an INT file
This is an example of opening a table using a connection string and an INT file.
Open "MSSQLDRV:ordsys@SERVER=(local);Trusted_Connection=yes;DATABASE=MSSQLOrder180|options|" as OrdSys
Techniques, Opening a Table without Using an Intermediate File, Open command