Opening a Table without Using an Intermediate File

DataFlex SQL Drivers

It is possible to open a table without using an intermediate file. The general way to do this for a DataFlex SQL Driver is by using the format:

Open "<DriverID>:<Schema>#<Table>@<ConnectString>" As hTable



The connection string mentioned above can have two formats, but is always identical to what you usually specify in the file. If you use Connection Ids, the following could be your situation:


If you do not use Connection Ids, the following is the classic way of opening:

Open "MSSQLDRV:dbo#customer@SERVER=.\SQLEXPRESS;UID=DataAccess;PWD=DataFlex;DATABASE=OrderEntry" as hTable

DataFlex Pervasive.SQL Driver

When using the DataFlex Pervasive.SQL Driver in database mode, open a table without using an intermediate file by using the format:

Open "DFBTRDRV:btrv://psqluser@MyPervasiveServer/Order?table=salesp&pwd=secret" as hTable

When using the DataFlex Pervasive.SQL Driver in non database mode, open a table without using an intermediate file by using the format:

Open "DFBTRDRV:<LogName>|<PhysName>.btr" As hTable


If you have no INT file but converted the table with Recnum support, you need to make this clear to the driver. The way to do this is to add a ‘+’ sign to the end of the base name of the table. Examples of root names that will open tables directly with recnum support are:




See Also

Techniques, Opening a Table with a Connection String, Open command