The Pervasive.SQL owner name.
DataFlex Pervasive.SQL Driver
Use OWNER when the Pervasive.SQL table needs an owner name to be opened.
Pervasive.SQL tables have a concept called the owner name of a table. The value of an owner name is not the name of the person who created the table or the person who owns it. You should think of owner names like passwords. People who know the password have unlimited access, while people who don’t, have not.
The owner name concept was originally intended to protect unauthorized access to Btrieve files. Pervasive.SQL also offers more advanced security features that can be combined with owner names. Refer to Pervasive.SQL Database Mode and Security for further information.
Instead of defining an attribute, the DataFlex Pervasive.SQL Driver defines commands that can be used to set or clear the owner name of a table. There is also a command top create an owner name list. See DFBTR_SET_OWNER, DFBTR_CLEAR_OWNER, DFBTR_ADD_OWNER and DFBTR_REMOVE_ALL_OWNERS in Owner Names.