
Relate_Main_File does nothing by default. It is called after the normal relate has been executed. It is an event that allows you to perform custom relates after your main record has been found and related.

If you are going to find an additional record in Relate_Main_File, you must notify the DDO that you have found this new record. You do this by sending the Request_Relate message (if the record was found) or Request_Clear_File (if the record was not found). Request_Relate will also perform a relate on the newly found record.

This is particularly true if the DDO is updating the parent-file DDO of the record you have found. The following code finds a "soft" parent record and notifies a DDO of the find.

Procedure Relate_Main_File

    Boolean bMustFind

    Integer iStatus iFile


    Get Main_File to iFile

    Get_Attribute DF_FILE_STATUS of iFile to iStatus


    Forward Send Relate_Main_File


    If (iStatus= DF_FILE_INACTIVE) begin

        Move True to bMustFind


    Else If (Vndr.Soft_id <> SoftFile.Soft_id) begin

        Move True to bMustFind



    If bMustFind Begin // relate SoftFile only if required

        Clear SoftFile

        Move Vndr.Soft_ID to SoftFile.Soft_Id

        Find eq SoftFile.Soft_Id



    Get_Attribute DF_FILE_STATUS of SoftFile.File_Number to iStatus

    If (iStatus<>DF_FILE_INACTIVE) begin

        Send Request_Relate SoftFile.File_Number


    Else begin

        Send Request_Clear_File SoftFile.File_Number



Note the optimization of this procedure. The find in SoftFile is performed only if: (a) the SoftFile record buffer is empty; or (b) the record in the buffer is the wrong one (relating values do not match).

You are strongly encouraged to optimize your finds inside Relate_Main_File. Because DDOs have no way of knowing what this procedure is doing, they have no way of optimizing these finds. Any time a DDO thinks that the custom-related record may be incorrect, it will send Relate_Main_File. It gets sent very often. If you do not optimize your finds (a simple process), you may be slowing down your database operations.

Be aware that Relate_Main_File is not always finding the record that relates to the current record. When parent records are switched, Relate_Main_File will be called during the save process to find a related record(s) for the switched-from and switched-to records. Because of this, CurrentRowId (or the obsolete Current_Record) should not be used in Relate_Main_File procedures. Within Relate_Main_File you should refer to the actual value of the file buffer or the table’s RowId (using the GetRowId function). OnNewCurrentRecord can be used to track changes in CurrentRowId.

When accessing table values you should always access the global file buffers and not the DDO buffers (i.e., use “Move File.Field to var” syntax). See Understanding File Buffers and DDO Field Buffers for more information.

See Also

Defining Data Dictionary Events