Send Request_Assign of oCustomer_DD
If you find a record manually (with the Find command) and want to have the DDO “latch onto” and display the current record, you can send the Request_Assign message. Request_Assign will cause the DDO and its parent DDOs to accept the record(s) in the buffer as their current record and refresh all affected DEOs.
Request_Assign should be used with caution. The DDO does not check to see if the records it is accepting are truly related. Because this is a manual process, it makes it your responsibility to make sure that the records in the buffer are reasonable. Before sending Request_Assign, you should make sure that all records in the buffers are proper.
Clear Customer
Move iNum to Customer.Customer_Number
Find EQ Customer by 1
Relate Customer
Send Request_Assign of oCustomer_DD
Often you can use Request_Assign and FindByRowId interchangeably. The following two samples would yield the same result.
Procedure RefindMyFile RowId riRec
Boolean bOk
Move (FindByRowId(MyFile.File_Number,riRec)) to bOk
Relate MyFile
Send Request_Assign of oMyFile_DD
Procedure RefindMyFile RowId riRec
Send FindByRowId of oMyFile_DD MyFile.File_Number riRec
Find and Clear Operations in DDOs