Function |
Description |
Current date. |
CURRENT_TIME ([time_precision]) |
Current local time, the time_precision optional argument determines the seconds precision of the returned value. |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ([timestamp_precision]) |
Current local date and time as a timestamp value, the timestamp_precision optional argument determines the seconds precision of the returned value. |
Current date. |
Current local time. |
DAYNAME (date_exp) |
The name of the day of the passed date. |
DAYOFMONTH (date_exp) |
The number of the day in the month in date_exp in the range of 1 – 31. |
DAYOFWEEK (date_exp) |
The number of the day of the week in date_exp in the range 1-7 where 1 is Sunday. |
DAYOFYEAR (date_exp) |
The number of the day of the year in date_exp in the range 1- 366. |
EXTRACT (extract_field FROM extract_source) |
Extracts the extract_field portion of the extract_source. Extract_source is a datetime or interval expression. Extract_field can be one of the following keywords: YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND. |
HOUR (time_exp) |
The hour of the time_exp in the range 0 – 23. |
MINUTE (time_exp) |
The minute in time_exp in the range 0 – 59. |
MONTH (date_exp) |
The month in date_exp in the range 1 – 12. |
MONTHNAME (date_exp) |
The name of the month in date_exp. |
NOW () |
Current date and time as a timestamp value. |
QUARTER (date-exp) |
The quarter in date_exp in the range 1 – 4. Where quarter 1represent January 1 through March 31. |
SECOND (time_exp) |
The seconds in time_exp in the range 0 – 59. |
TIMESTAMPDIFF (interval, timestamp_exp1, timestamp_exp2) |
The integer number of intervals that timestamp_exp2 is gretaer than timestamp_exp1. Interval can be one of the following keywords: SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, SQL_TSI_SECOND, SQL_TSI_MINUTE, SQL_TSI_HOUR, SQL_TSI_DAY, SQL_TSI_WEEK, SQL_TSI_MONTH, SQL_TSI_QUARTER, SQL_TSI_YEAR. |
WEEK (date_exp) |
The weeknumber of the year in date_exp in the range 1 – 53. |
YEAR (date_exp) |
The year of date_exp. |
Data Type Conversion Functions