Using Application Roles in SQL Server

SQL Server accommodates two types of roles in its security system: database roles and application roles. Application roles are used to setup security at application level rather than at database level. Usually the application has more rights on the database since actions on the database are controlled. The user only has restricted rights on the database. This prevents users from making unwanted changes to the database using tools such as SQL Server Query Analyzer.

An application switches to an application role after a connection has been established. The way to do this from a DataFlex application is to call the stored procedure sp_SetAppRole. To call a stored procedure you must use Embedded SQL. The SetAppRole procedure below will switch the connection’s security role to an application role:


//*** Procedure: SetAppRole

//*** Purpose  : Set the application to use the application role

//*** Arguments:

//***   - sAppRole  The application role name

//***   - sPassword The password for the application role

//***   - hFile     The handle of the SQL Server table already open


Procedure SetAppRole String sAppRole String sPassword Handle hFile

    Handle hoSQL

    Handle hdbc

    Handle hstmt

    //*** Create the handle manager, we want to call a stored

    //*** procedure using ESQL

    Get Create U_cSQLHandleManager To hoSQL

    If (hoSQL <> 0) Begin

        //*** Connect

        Get SQLFileConnect Of hoSQL hFile To hdbc

        If (hdbc <> 0) Begin

            Get SQLOpen Of hdbc To hstmt

            If (hstmt <> 0) Begin

                Send SQLSetProcedureName Of hstmt "sp_SetAppRole"

                Send SQLSetArgument Of hstmt 1 sAppRole

                Send SQLSetArgument Of hstmt 2 sPassword

                Send SQLSetArgument Of hstmt 3 "None"

                Send SQLCall Of hstmt

                Send SQLClose Of hstmt


            Else ;

                Error 775 "Unable to open a statement handle."

            Send SQLDisconnect Of hdbc


        Else ;

            Error 776 "Unable to connect."

        Send Destroy Of hoSQL


    Else ;

        Error 777 "Unable to create Embedded SQL handle manager."

End_procedure // SetAppRole

For more information on application roles, see the SQL Server documentation. For more information on Embedded SQL, see Using Embedded SQL.

See Also
