You can test to see if a COM object exists by getting the value of IsComObjectCreated from its DataFlex wrapper object. This function returns True, if the COM object has been created indicating that it is safe to access its interface.
The following example from the Simple Automation Controller sample demonstrates the use of IsComObjectCreated…
Object oText_Btn is a Button
Set Location to 10 10
Procedure OnClick
// Get the text from the COM Automation Server and display it.
String sValue
Boolean bIsComObjectCreated
// Test to see If we are already connected. If we are connected,
// then the IsComObjectCreated Returns True.
Get IsComObjectCreated of oAutomationTest to bIsComObjectCreated
If (bIsComObjectCreated) Begin
Get ComEditText of oAutomationTest to sValue
Set Value of oText_frm to sValue
End_Procedure // OnClick
Programming with COM – General Topics