RowId Type

The RowId type is used to declare variables that store a unique identifier for a specific row (aka record) of a database table.

RowId variables can be used to store record identifiers and to find records identified by a RowId value.



Open Customer


RowId[] riCustomers    // array of RowId's

Integer i iSize


// loop through the customer table and store each row's ID


    Find GT Customer by 1


    // store the RowId.

    If (Found) Begin

        Move (SizeOfArray(riCustomers)) to iSize

        Move (GetRowID(Customer.File_Number)) to riCustomers[iSize]


Until (not(Found))


// Now loop through the RowId's and find the associated row.

Move (SizeOfArray(riCustomers)) to iSize


For i From 0 to (iSize – 1)

    // find the customer for this row.

    If (FindByRowID(Customer.File_Number, riCustomers[i])) Begin

        Showln Customer.Name




The above example loads each row of the customer table and stores the RowId in an array of type RowId. In the second loop, the array is iterated and each stored RowId is used to locate the corresponding row in the customer table.

RowId Composition

The data that forms the RowId of a particular table is specific to the design of that table. For example in the simple case it may be composed of an integer value, or it may be a composition of an integer, a string and a date value, or it may be a number a Boolean and a date, etc.

In general, the format of the data that is stored in a RowId is internal and cannot be manipulated directly.

Manipulating RowIDs

All  manipulation of RowIDs is performed using RowId functions. Using the RowId functions you can:

Retrieve a RowId


Open  Customer

RowId riCustomer

Boolean bFound


Find GT Customer by 1

Move (GetRowID(Customer.File_Number)) To riCustomer


Find a Row


Move (FindByRowID(Customer.File_Number, riCustomer)) To bFound

The FindByRowID function loads the row into the customer table's buffer that corresponds with the RowId value stored in riCustomer.

Clear a RowId


Move (NullRowID()) To riCustomer

After calling the NullRowID function riCustomer contains the null RowId.

Test for a Null RowId


If (Not(IsNullRowID(riCustomer))) Begin

    Move (FindByRowID(Customer.File_Number, riCustomer)) To bFound



Test for Equality


RowId riBestCustomer


Move (GetRowID(Customer.File_Number)) To riCustomer


If (IsSameRowID(riCustomer, riBestCustomer)) Begin

    Send Stop_Box ("Best customer is:" * Customer.Name) ""



Serialize a RowId


String sRowID


Move (SerializeRowID(riCustomer)) To sRowID


De-serialize a RowId


Move (DeSerializeRowID(sRowID)) To riCustomer

Web applications and web services use serializing and de-serializing to transform RowIDs into and out of a format that can be used in URLs, Web pages and Web Services.

Web Applications

The RowId data type is not supported in Web Properties, including structs and arrays. If you need to store RowIds, serialize them to a string using the SerializeRowId() function.


More Information

For more information regarding RowIDs refer to: The RowId command and the RowId Helper Functions.

For information regarding RowIDs and data dictionaries, refer to the DataDictionary class.