Struct Declaration

A struct type declaration defines a particular set of elements, called struct members, and associates it with a new type identifier. Once a struct type is declared you may declare and use variables of that type.

You declare a struct type using the Struct and End_Struct keywords. For example…

Struct tUSAddress

    String sStreet

    String sCity

    String sState

    Integer iZipCode



Struct tPurchaseOrder

    Integer iOrderNumber

    Date dOrderDate

    tUSAddress shippingAddress

    tUSAddress billingAddress



In the above example the tUSAddress struct contains four members: three strings named sStreet, sCity and sState, and an integer named iZipCode.

Struct type names must be unique throughout the program. Struct member names are local to the struct type and need only be unique within the type itself. The DataFlex naming convention is to prefix struct type names with a lowercase "t".

Struct members may be of any valid data type, including other struct types and array types.

Struct tMyStruct

    String sName

    Integer[] iValues



Struct tMyOtherStruct

    Integer iCode

    String sValue

    tMyStruct nestedStructMember


Structs may be nested by specifying struct type members as long as the member struct type has been declared before this struct declaration. Struct members of the declaring struct (i.e. recursive struct declarations) are illegal. However, dynamic arrays of the declaring struct are allowed. This is referred to as indirect-recursive struct declarations.

Struct tTreeNode


    tTreeNode[] children


Struct members of array type Static, dynamic and jagged array type members are allowed. The size of each dimension in static array type members must be a constant computed at compile time.


Structs and JSON/XML

If you are serializing and deserializing structs to and from JSON and XML, you may need to use different internal and external names for Struct members for use with web services. For example, if a struct member uses a DataFlex reserved word.

The Name Meta-Data Tag is designed for this purpose.


See Also
