See Also: Transactions and DDOs, Begin_Transaction, End_Transaction, DF_TRANABORT_ONERROR, DF_TRANSACTION_ABORT
To cancel a transaction that is in progress.
This command aborts the transaction and rolls back the transaction in progress to the original state. All locked records are released and the lock count is zeroed. There is no need to issue an Unlock command.
Abort_Transaction will not jump to the End_Transaction command in a Begin_Transaction... End_Transaction command block. If an error occurs inside a transaction, the transaction will be aborted automatically and control will jump to the End_Transaction command in a Begin_Transaction... End_Transaction command block. This is why we expect the Abort_transaction command to be rarely used (if ever).
Reread Vendor InvHdr
Move "Data Access Corporation" To Vendor.Name
Save Vendor
Save InvHdr
Move False To bTransOK
For i From 1 To 3
Move i To InvItems.LineNumber
Save InvItems
// if any item is DataFlex, this is a good transaction
If (InvItems.Name Contains "DataFlex")Begin
Move True To bTransOK
If bTrans Begin
Else Begin // Only allow the transaction if DataFlex is purchased.
This command has no effect if executed outside a Begin_Transaction... End_Transaction command block, because it only affects transactions in progress.
The abort transaction command will not jump to the End_Transaction command automatically. The flow of the program will continue on the next line.