
See Also: SizeOfArray, ResizeArray, Array Functions, Array Variable Assignments, Working with Arrays


Returns an array consisting of one array appended to another array.

Return Type



AppendArray( {Array1Id}, {Array2Id} )

AppendArray( {Array1Id}, {Array2Id} [, {indexFirst}, {indexLast} ])


What it Does

Returns an array consisting of one array appended to another array. If {indexFirst} and {indexLast} are passed, only that sub-range of the second array is appended to the first array. The arrays must be of the same type. Both source arrays and the destination array must be dynamic.

This can be particularly useful when working with UChar arrays.

Use InsertInArray to insert or append individual array elements to an array.

Use RemoveFromArray to remove elements from an array.


Tip AppendArray Alternative

You can append values to the end of a dynamic array using Move and passing [-1] as the array indexer as a substitute for using AppendArray.

Procedure Example

    String[] Sentence


    Move "The" to Sentence[-1]

    Move "quick" to Sentence[-1]

    Move "brown" to Sentence[-1]

    Move "fox" to Sentence[-1]

    Move "jumps" to Sentence[-1]

    Move "..." to Sentence[-1]




The below example appends the names in source arrays sGroupAmericaNames and sGroupEuropeNames and places them in destination array sCombinedGroupNames.

The result would be: John, Marcia, Americo, Dennis, Chip, Vincent, Nick, Janine, Harm, Eddie

Procedure OnClick

    String[] sGroupAmericaNames sGroupEuropeNames sCombinedGroupNames


    Move "John" to sGroupAmericaNames[0]

    Move "Marcia" to sGroupAmericaNames[1]

    Move "Americo" to sGroupAmericaNames[2]

    Move "Dennis" to sGroupAmericaNames[3]

    Move "Chip" to sGroupAmericaNames[4]


    Move "Vincent" to sGroupEuropeNames[0]

    Move "Nick" to sGroupEuropeNames[1]

    Move "Janine" to sGroupEuropeNames[2]

    Move "Harm" to sGroupEuropeNames[3]

    Move "Eddie" to sGroupEuropeNames[4]


    Move (AppendArray(sGroupAmericaNames, sGroupEuropeNames)) to sCombinedGroupNames


The names in the destination array are added in the order they are received from the source arrays. You could call SortArray to sort the destination array:

Move (SortArray(sCombinedGroupNames)) to sCombinedGroupNames

The result would be: Americo, Chip, Dennis, Eddie, Harm, Janine, John, Marcia, Nick, Vincent.


The below example appends the names in source array sGroupEuropeNames from array indexer 3 to 4 and to all names in source arrays sGroupAmericaNames and places them in destination array sCombinedGroupNames.

The result would be: John, Marcia, Americo, Dennis, Chip, Harm, Eddie

Procedure OnClick

    String[] sGroupAmericaNames sGroupEuropeNames sCombinedGroupNames


    Move "John" to sGroupAmericaNames[0]

    Move "Marcia" to sGroupAmericaNames[1]

    Move "Americo" to sGroupAmericaNames[2]

    Move "Dennis" to sGroupAmericaNames[3]

    Move "Chip" to sGroupAmericaNames[4]


    Move "Vincent" to sGroupEuropeNames[0]

    Move "Nick" to sGroupEuropeNames[1]

    Move "Janine" to sGroupEuropeNames[2]

    Move "Harm" to sGroupEuropeNames[3]

    Move "Eddie" to sGroupEuropeNames[4]


    Move (AppendArray(sGroupAmericaNames, sGroupEuropeNames, 3, 4)) to sCombinedGroupNames
