See Also: Transactions and DDOs, Abort_Transaction, End_Transaction, Lock, Unlock, DF_TRANABORT_ONERROR, DF_TRANSACTION_ABORT
To explicitly mark the beginning of a database transaction.
This command is used to mark the beginning of a database transaction. In case of a rollback, the entire transaction is rolled back. A side effect of the Begin_Transaction command is to execute a Lock command.
Move "Data Access Corporation" To
Save vendor
Save invheader
Move FALSE To bTransOK
For iCount From 1 To 3
Move iCount To invitems.linenumber
Save invitems
// if any item is DataFlex, this is a good transaction
If ( Contains "DataFlex");
Move TRUE To bTransOK
If bTransOK;
Else; // Only allow the transaction if DataFlex is purchased.
// The next line has no effect if the transaction is aborted.
A database table may only be used in a transaction if transaction processing is enabled. You can set this by modifying the DF_FILE_TRANSACTION attribute. If any table in a set of tables participating in a transaction is not properly set up for transaction processing, transaction control for the application as a whole will fail.
Sometimes the programmer does not explicitly set the beginning and end of a transaction. In this case DataFlex will use the first lock command to mark the start of a transaction, and the last unlock to mark the end of a transaction.
You do not need to explicitly use Begin_Transaction… End_Transaction for database operations that are executed and controlled by DataDictionary objects.
Table-manipulation commands like Make_File and Zerofile may not be used within a transaction.
The Begin_Transaction and End_Transaction commands must be matched within the same scope. The following structure is not legal:
If (bTest) Begin