See Also: CD_End_Object, End_Object, Object
To implement dynamic object creation and destruction for popup modal objects. It is used in place of the Object command to create these objects.
This command is managed by the DataFlex Studio's Object Properties window and is typically not edited manually.
CD_Popup_Object {object-name} is a {class-name}
Where {object-name} is the name of the object being created; {class-name} is the class to which the object belongs.
CD_Popup_Object is used in place of the object command when declaring a popup object. The object created will be activated when the popup message is sent to it.
The following example shows how to create a customer lookup.
Use DFClient.pkg
Use DFSelLst.pkg
Use Windows.pkg
CD_Popup_Object Customer_sl is a dbModalPanel
CD_End_Object // Customer_sl
If a dynamically created object contains child objects, use the standard Object/End_Object commands to create them.