Control how strict Compiler Warnings should be.
Unlike compiler errors, compiler warnings are not fatal to compilation, but allow adding of informative messages for developers.
CompilerLevelWarning {option} {On|Off}
Where {option} is one of:
CompilerLevelWarning All On
This command gives you control over how strict your warning checking should be. By default, these are all off. Not all compiler warnings are optional like this – only the ones that are high overhead, falling on the “picky, picky” side or more a matter of programming preference.
CompilerWarnings controls the compiler warnings system.
The #Warning compiler directive allows the addition of a compiler warning to code.
The Item keyword was required in older version of DataFlex, but is no longer needed and can be safely omitted.
Set Value of oDbForm1 Item 0 to "Test"
should now be written as:
Set Value of oDbForm1 to "Test"
Some properties still require an item number, but no longer the item keyword:
Set Prompt_Object of oDbForm1 Item 0 to oMyPromptObject
should now be written as:
Set Prompt_Object of oDbForm1 0 to oMyPromptObject