Indicates if the identity type must be used for the recnum column when creating a recnum table.
ODBC only, revision 5 and higher
Boolean, temporary
True, False
Use cli.pkg
Get_Attribute DF_DATABASE_USE_IDENTITY_TYPE of {driverNumber} {databaseHandle} to {BooleanVariable}
Set_Attribute DF_DATABASE_USE_IDENTITY_TYPE of {driverNumber} {databaseHandle} to {True|False}
Indicates if the identity type must be used for the recnum column when creating a recnum table. The identity type is the type that has the auto increment attribute set to true and its ID to SQL_INTEGER. If such a type does not exist, it is the first type that has its auto increment attribute set to true.
Procedure ShowDBAttribute Integer iDriver Handle hDatabase
Boolean bAttribValue
Get_Attribute DF_DATABASE_USE_IDENTITY_TYPE of iDriver hDatabase to bAttribValue
Showln "Use identity type: " (If(bAttribValue, "YES", "NO"))
The sample code above shows the current setting for a given database. The database handle can be obtained via the DF_DATABASE_ID attribute.