Indicates whether uppercase support used for case insensitive index segments should be ignored.



Supported by

The DataFlex SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC), revision 5 and higher


Boolean, temporary




True, False


Use cli.pkg


Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_IGNORE_UCASE_SUPPORT of {driverNumber} to {BooleanVariable}

Set_Attribute DF_DRIVER_IGNORE_UCASE_SUPPORT of {driverNumber} to {True|False}

Driver Configuration Keyword



The Embedded Database supports case insensitive index segments. This is a feature that other databases do not support. Some databases support case insensitive columns (by using a case insensitive collating sequence for a column). When converting a table that uses case insensitive index segments, extra columns will be created that store the uppercased value of the original column. This extra column is used in index definitions as a segment to achieve the case insensitive index segment functionality. In order to be able to generate the correct find statements, the driver uses the back end’s uppercase scalar function in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement generated to implement a find.

This attribute will switch the case insensitive index segment logic on or off. When ignored (true) it is switched off, when not ignored (false) it is switched on.

This default value is copied to database level when logging in to the database. The actual value in use for an active connection is that on database level. This attribute merely reflects a default.

Function DriverIndex String sDriver Returns Integer

    String  sCurrentDriver

    Integer iNumberOfDrivers iDriver iCount


    Move 0 to iDriver

    Get_Attribute DF_NUMBER_DRIVERS to iNumberOfDrivers

    For iCount From 1 To iNumberOfDrivers

        Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_NAME of iCount To sCurrentDriver

        If ( Uppercase(sCurrentDriver) = Uppercase(sDriver) ) Begin

            Move iCount to iDriver




    Function_Return iDriver

End_Function // DriverIndex


Procedure ShowDriverAttribute

    Boolean bAttribValue

    Integer iDriver


    Get DriverIndex "MSSQLDRV" To iDriver

    Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_IGNORE_UCASE_SUPPORT of iDriver to bAttribValue      

    Showln "Ignore uppercase support: " (If(bAttribValue, "YES", "NO"))


The sample code above shows the current setting for a given driver.