Controls whether a login will be attempted during an open if the program is not already logged in on the connection.
The DataFlex SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC), revision 6.2 and higher
Integer, temporary
Read, Write
1 or 0
1 (True)
Use cli.pkg
Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_LOGIN_ON_OPEN of {driverNumber} to {IntegerVariable}
Set_Attribute DF_DRIVER_LOGIN_ON_OPEN of {driverNumber} to {IntegerVariable}
If LOGIN_ON_OPEN is 1 when opening a table and there is no connection, the driver will attempt an automatic login.
If LOGIN_ON_OPEN is 0 when opening a table and there is no connection, the driver will not attempt to login, but generate an error.
Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_LOGIN_ON_OPEN of iDriverIndex to iLoginOnOpen
Set_Attribute DF_DRIVER_LOGIN_ON_OPEN of iDriverIndex to 0