Indicates whether the database client login popup panel must be used when login information is not sufficient to succeed.
The DataFlex SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC), revision 5 and higher
Boolean, temporary
True, False
Use cli.pkg
Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_SILENT_LOGIN of {driverNumber} to {BooleanVariable}
Set_Attribute DF_DRIVER_SILENT_LOGIN of {driverNumber} to {True|False}
The login logic uses a function that caused the database client software to popup a login panel if the information supplied was incomplete or wrong. The pop up can be very convenient because it allows the information in the server identification string to be minimal. Individual users can complete the information as they login. The panel makes the login an interactive process.
However, there are situations where this is not desired behavior. This driver attribute can be set to true to switch off the popup panel. If silent login is turned on and the login information in incomplete or wrong, a login error will be generated and no panel will pop up.
Function DriverIndex String sDriver Returns Integer
String sCurrentDriver
Integer iNumberOfDrivers iDriver iCount
Move 0 to iDriver
Get_Attribute DF_NUMBER_DRIVERS to iNumberOfDrivers
For iCount From 1 To iNumberOfDrivers
Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_NAME of iCount To sCurrentDriver
If ( Uppercase(sCurrentDriver) = Uppercase(sDriver) ) Begin
Move iCount to iDriver
Function_Return iDriver
Procedure ShowDriverAttribute
Boolean bAttribValue
Integer iDriver
Get DriverIndex "MSSQLDRV" To iDriver
Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_SILENT_LOGIN of iDriver to bAttribValue
Showln "Silent login: " (If(bAttribValue, "YES", "NO"))
The sample code above shows the current setting for a given driver.