See Also: Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute, DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME
The table’s user-display name, as stored in the file-list file.
All Drivers
String, permanent
Read / Write
A string containing the table's user-display name.
The display name can contain alphanumeric characters as well as ASCII characters above 32 and be up to 31 characters long. The display name is intended to be a phrase or description associated with a table and is typically used for prompts in tools (Database Explorer and so forth).
Unlike other permanent table level attributes, the filelist attributes (DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME, DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME and DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME) can be set outside of a Structure_Start ... Structure_End operation. These attributes are actually stored in the filelist and not in the database or table.
To add a table to an existing filelist, the 3 filelist attributes must be set at the same time. To remove a table from the filelist the 3 filelist attributes must be set to an empty string.
Procedure ShowFilelistNames
Handle htable
String sRoot
String sDisplay
String sTable
Move 0 To hTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_USED Of hTable To hTable
If (hTable <> 0) Begin
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME Of hTable To sRoot
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME Of hTable To sDisplay
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME Of hTable To sTable
Showln hTable ", " sRoot ", " sDisplay ", " sTable
Until (hTable = 0)
End_Procedure // ShowFilelistNames
The sample procedure above show all the filelist attributes.
Procedure NewEntry Handle hTable String sRoot String sDisplay String sTable
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME Of hTable To sRoot
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME Of hTable To sDisplay
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME Of hTable To sTable
End_Procedure // ShowFilelistNames
The sample procedure above creates a new filelist entry at a given slot. It can also be used to remove a filelist entry by passing empty strings for the three filelist attributes.
Procedure CreateNewFilelist String sNewList
Handle hoWorkspace
String sPath
Integer iMaxSlots
//*** Make sure new filelist goes into the first folder of datapath
Get phoWorkspace Of ghoApplication To hoWorkspace
Get psDataPath Of hoWorkspace To sPath
Get PathAtIndex Of hoWorkspace sPath 1 To sPath
If (Right(sPath, 1) <> Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) ;
Move (sPath - Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) To sPath
Move (sPath - sNewList) To sPath
//*** Create the disk file
Direct_Output sPath
Write "filelist.cfg"
//*** Use the disk file as fileist
Set_attribute DF_FILELIST_NAME To sPath
//*** Create all the slots
Send NewEntry iMaxSlots "" "" ""
End_Procedure // CreateNewFilelist
The sample procedure above uses the filelist attributes to create a new empty filelist. It calls the NewEntry procedure defined above.