See Also: Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute, Output_Aux_File, Creating and Modifying Table Structures
The table name, including the path, of the table.
All Drivers
String, permanent
Read / Write
A string containing the physical name of the table.
DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME is the physical name of the opened table. This is not the same as the name used to open the table inside an application using the Open command. The name used to open a table using the open command can be determined by using the DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME attribute. If the “open as” variant of the open command is used, one can specify the physical table name.
This attribute can only be set inside a Structure_Start ... Structure_End operation when creating a new table. It cannot be set when restructuring an existing table. The DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME attribute can include a path, so it can be used to specify the location where the new data table should be created.
Setting the DF_PHYSICAL_NAME of a table does not add this table to the filelist. After creating a table with a valid physical name, the attributes DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME, DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME and DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME must be set in order to add a table to a filelist.
The Embedded Database stores a table in several disk files. The data is stored in a .dat file (a .vld when compression is on), the indices in .k?? files, the column names in a .tag file, All these disk files have the same name part, the extension is different. The physical name of a table is this common part.
The Pervasive.SQL Database Driver allows access to a table via an intermediate file or directly. If an intermediate file present for the table, the physical name will be the path to the intermediate (.INT) file. If no intermediate file is present, the physical name will be the name of the table on disk.
The DataFlex SQL Drivers allow access to a table via an intermediate file or directly. If an intermediate file is used, the physical name of the table is the name of the intermediate (.INT) file. If a table is opened directly, the physical name is the string used to open the table. This string is of the form “<DriverName>:<SchemaName>#<TableName>@<ConnectionString>”.
This sample procedure shows the physical name of every table in the filelist.
Procedure ShowPhysicalNames
Handle hTable
String sTable sPhysicalName
Move 0 to hTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_USED of hTable to hTable
If (hTable > 0) Begin
Open hTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME of hTable to sTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME of hTable to sPhysicalName
Showln sTable " -- " sPhysicalName
Close hTable
Until (hTable = 0)
This sample procedure creates an Embedded Database table called Contact.
Procedure CreateTable
Handle hTable hoWorkspace
Integer iColumn iIndex
String sPath sOrigFolder
//*** Make sure table comes in first folder of datapath by making that folder current
Get phoWorkspace of ghoApplication to hoWorkspace
Get psDataPath of hoWorkspace to sPath
Get PathAtIndex of hoWorkspace sPath 1 to sPath
Get_Current_Directory to sOrigFolder
Set_Directory sPath
//*** Create physical table contacts
Move 0 to hTable
Structure_Start hTable "DATAFLEX"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME of hTable to "Contact"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_MAX_RECORDS of hTable to 150000
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "Customer_Number"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_BCD
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_LENGTH of hTable iColumn to 6
Move 0 to iColumn
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "ContactDate"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_DATE
Move 0 to iColumn
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "Comment"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_TEXT
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_LENGTH of hTable iColumn to (8 * 1024)
Move 0 to iIndex
Create_Index hTable At iIndex
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_NUMBER_SEGMENTS of hTable iIndex to 2
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 1 to 1
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 2 to 2
Structure_End hTable
Set_Directory sOrigFolder
//*** Add to filelist and generate fd
Move 0 to hTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_EMPTY of hTable to hTable
If (hTable > 0) Begin
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME of hTable to "Contact"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of hTable to "Contact sample table"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME of hTable to "Contact"
Open hTable
Get psDDSRCPath of hoWorkspace to sPath
Get PathAtIndex of hoWorkspace sPath 1 to sPath
If (Right(sPath, 1) <> Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) ;
Move (sPath - Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) to sPath
Move (sPath - "Contact.fd") to sPath
Output_Aux_File DF_AUX_FILE_FD For hTable to sPath
Close hTable
This sample procedure creates a SQL Server table called Clock. Note that the physical name of the table is set to the name of the intermediate file.
Procedure CreateClockTable
Handle hTable hoWorkspace
String sPath sOrigFolder
Integer iColumn iIndex
//*** Make sure int file comes in first folder of datapath by
//*** making that folder current
Get phoWorkspace of ghoApplication to hoWorkspace
Get psDataPath of hoWorkspace to sPath
Get PathAtIndex of hoWorkspace sPath 1 to sPath
Get_Current_Directory to sOrigFolder
Set_Directory sPath
//*** Create a SQL Server table to store clock in/out times
//*** of employees
Move 0 to hTable
Structure_Start hTable "MSSQLDRV"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME of hTable to ""
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_RECNUM_TABLE of hTable to False
// for a client/server database, you must provide a login to have rights to create the table
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGIN of hTable to "SERVER=(local);Trusted_Connection=yes;DATABASE=Northwind"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_TABLE_NAME of hTable to "Clock"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_USE_DUMMY_ZERO_DATE of hTable to True
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "EmployeeID"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_BCD
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_LENGTH of hTable iColumn to 10
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NATIVE_TYPE of hTable iColumn to SQL_INTEGER
Move 0 to iColumn
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "ClockInTime"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_DATE
Move 0 to iColumn
Create_Field hTable At iColumn
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of hTable iColumn to "ClockOutTime"
Set_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of hTable iColumn to DF_DATE
Move 0 to iIndex
Create_Index hTable At iIndex
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_NUMBER_SEGMENTS of hTable iIndex to 3
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 1 to 1
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 2 to 2
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 3 to 3
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_PRIMARY_INDEX of hTable to iIndex
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_NAME of hTable iIndex to "ClockPK"
Structure_End hTable
//*** Reset current working folder to original value
Set_Directory sOrigFolder
//*** Add to filelist and generate FD
Move 0 to hTable
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_EMPTY of hTable to hTable
If (hTable > 0) Begin
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME of hTable to "MSSQLDRV:Clock"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of hTable to "Clock sample table"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME of hTable to "Clock"
Open hTable
Get psDDSRCPath of hoWorkspace to sPath
Get PathAtIndex of hoWorkspace sPath 1 to sPath
If (Right(sPath, 1) <> Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) ;
Move (sPath - Sysconf(Sysconf_Dir_Separator)) to sPath
Move (sPath - "Clock.fd") to sPath
Output_Aux_File DF_AUX_FILE_FD For hTable to sPath
Close hTable