A filter to apply to select statements generated for find operations on the table. This is a global table filter. See pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters for more information.
The DataFlex SQL Drivers (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC)
String, temporary
Read / Write
A filter expression.
Use cli.pkg
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER of {tableNumber} to {StringVariable}
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER of {tableNumber} to {StringVariable}
Use cli.pkg
Procedure FilterData
String sFilter
Move "Customer.Name LIKE %Smith%" to sFilter
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER of Customer.File_Number to sFilter
Use cli.pkg
Procedure FilterData
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER of Customer.File_Number to ("Customer.Number >= 1000")
This attribute allows the programmer to define a filter that is applied to find operations. It can be used to speed up find operations. The filter value in the attribute is added to the beginning of the where clause of statements generated for find operations but it will not be added for find eq operations. You must use SQL syntax in the filter string. The filter is applied when the DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER_ACTIVE attribute is set to true.
We recommend always surrounding filters containing string constants by parentheses to ensure they are executed correctly if combined with local SQL filters (see psSQLFilter).
Note that by default, global SQL filters are not applied to all find operations. The exceptions are Find EQ and FindByRowId. This exception exists to not break relates. The DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER_EQ attribute controls this behavior. So if you want your user to never see data that doesn’t match your filter (for example when building multi-tenant applications), then you need to make sure that DF_FILE_SQL_FILTER_EQ is set to true for each table.
For more information about SQL filters, see Using SQL Filters (Constraints).