See Also: Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute, DF_LOCK_DELAY


The time, in milliseconds, after which an ungranted lock will be considered an error.




Numeric, temporary


Read / Write


Milliseconds rounded up to the nearest second


When a lock request fails, additional lock attempts will be executed until the lock is either granted or DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT time has passed. If a network is slow to grant locks (thus generating premature lock-time out errors), adjust the value of the DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT attribute higher.

The default lock timeout of the Embedded Database is 16 minutes and 16 seconds. The total time is determined by two settings. The DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT attribute and the Transaction_Retry count.

The DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT setting sets the time a lock will wait before generating the DFERR_LOCK_TIMEOUT (4106) error. This setting is in milliseconds rounded up to the nearest full second added to the minimal value of 1 second. So, setting it to 1 will result in a timeout of 2 seconds, setting it to 1500 will result in a timeout of 3 seconds, and so forth. The default value is 60000 (61 seconds).

The Transaction_Retry count is the number of times the transaction will be retried after getting the lock timeout error. It can be manipulated by using Get_Transaction_Retry and Set_Transaction_Retry. Every time a retry occurs, the object that initiated the transaction fires a Verify_Retry (function returns integer) event. This event can stop the retry mechanism by returning a non-zero value.

The default settings are:



Transaction_Retry = 15

You could change these to:



Transaction_Retry = 14

These new defaults would generate a lock timeout error to the user after 1 minute.

Procedure ShowLockAttributes

    Integer iLockDelay

    Integer iLockTimeout

    Integer iLockTimeoutSeconds

    Integer iTransactionRetry

    Integer iTotal

    Integer iHour

    Integer iMin

    Integer iSec

    String sTotal


    Get_Attribute DF_LOCK_DELAY To iLockDelay

    Get_Attribute DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT To iLockTimeout

    Get_Transaction_Retry To iTransactionRetry

    Move (((iLockTimeOut + 999) / 1000) + 1) To iLockTimeoutSeconds

    Move ((iLockTimeOutSeconds * iTransactionRetry) + iLockTimeOutSeconds) To iTotal


    If (iTotal >= 3600) Begin

        Move (iTotal / 3600) To iHour

        Move (Mod(iTotal, 3600)) To iTotal


    If (iTotal >= 60) Begin

        Move (iTotal / 60) To iMin

        Move (Mod(iTotal, 60)) To iTotal


    Move iTotal To iSec

    Move (Right("00" + String(iHour), 2) + ":" + ;

          Right("00" + String(iMin), 2) + ":" + ;

          Right("00" + String(iSec), 2)) To sTotal


    Showln "Current lock settings:"

    Showln "  Lock delay: " iLockDelay " milliseconds."

    Showln "  Lock timeout: "iLockTimeoutSeconds " seconds."

    Showln "  Transaction retry: " iTransactionRetry " times."

    Showln "  Total time before timeout error occurs: " sTotal

End_Procedure // ShowLockAttributes

The sample procedure above shows the current lock attribute settings and the total time before a lock timeout error occurs.

Procedure SetLockAttributes

    Set_Attribute DF_LOCK_DELAY To 100

    Set_Attribute DF_LOCK_TIMEOUT To 3000

    Set_Transaction_Retry To 14

End_Procedure // SetLockAttributes

The sample procedure above sets the lock attributes to such values that the time before a lock timeout error occurs is one minute.