See Also: Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute
The folder paths to use when searching for a disk file.
String, temporary
Read / Write
Valid folder paths
DF_OPEN_PATH instructs DataFlex to use the provided folder paths when searching for a file. If DF_OPEN_PATH is NULL, file searches will be limited to the current folder. Note that file searches are not performed for file specifications that contain a path.
In the DataFlex environment, this attribute is rarely set. The workspace object in an application sets the DF_OPEN_PATH attribute when the application starts.
Procedure ShowOpenPath
String sOpenPath
Get_Attribute DF_OPEN_PATH To sOpenPath
Showln "Open path is: " sOpenPath
Showln "Folder list in search order:"
While (Pos(";", sOpenPath) > 0)
Showln " " (Left(sOpenPath, Pos(";", sOpenPath) - 1))
Move (Right(sOpenPath, Length(sOpenPath) - Pos(";", sOpenPath))) To sOpenPath
Showln " " sOpenPath
The sample procedure above shows the open path currently in use as a whole and split up per search folder.