See Also: Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute, Begin_Transaction, End_Transaction, Abort_Transaction, Lock, Reread, Unlock


Indicates whether the last transaction was aborted.




Boolean, temporary


Read only


True, False


The attribute indicates whether the last transaction was aborted.

DataFlex supports two types of transactions: Explicit and Implicit. An implicit transaction is a transaction that is started via the Lock or Reread command and ended via the Unlock command. An explicit transaction is started by the Begin_Transaction command and ended by the End_Transaction command.

Any error condition inside of an explicit transaction forces the transaction to be rolled back, thus setting the DF_TRANSACTION_ABORT attribute to true. An error condition in an implicit transaction only forces the transaction to be rolled back if DF_TRANABORT_ONERROR is set to true. If that is the case the DF_TRANSACTION_ABORT attribute is set to true.

Procedure ShowUncommitted

    Handle hTable

    Boolean bCommitted

    Boolean bAborted

    String sTable


    Get_Attribute DF_TRANSACTION_ABORT To bAborted

    If (bAborted) Begin

        Showln "Tables that are uncommitted are:"

        Move 0 To hTable


            Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NEXT_OPENED Of hTable To hTable

            If (hTable > 0) Begin

                Get_Attribute DF_FILE_COMMITTED Of hTable To bCommitted

                If (Not(bCommitted)) Begin

                    Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME Of hTable To sTable

                    Showln "   " sTable



        Until (hTable = 0)


End_Procedure // ShowUncommitted

The sample procedure above check if the last transaction was successful and shows a list of tables that have not been committed.