Database API Attributes

The Database API Attributes are used in combination with the Get_Attribute, Set_Attribute, Structure_Start and Structure_End commands to query and manipulate the structure of databases and tables.

Attributes are defined at different levels. The supported levels are: Global, Driver, Database, Table, Column, Index and Index_Segment. Depending on the attribute’s level, the number of arguments of the Set_Attribute and Get_Attribute commands vary.

Some API attributes can only be used when using a specific database driver. Global attributes are global and thus do not rely on a driver. All other attribute levels do rely on a driver. The basic set of attributes can be used for any driver, but some of these attributes do not make sense for the back end in use. The DF_FILE_MAX_RECORDS attribute for example, only makes sense when used with the Embedded Database.

The DataFlex SQL Drivers define driver and database level attributes. Some of the attributes are defined on both driver and database level. For these attributes the value on driver level acts as a default value. To get the actual value of such an attribute, always get the database level attribute.

This section describes each API basic and driver specific attribute. They are listed alphabetically. It also describes the basic techniques for using the attributes in a DataFlex program. Each attribute is described using the following topics: Level, Supported by, Type, Values and Remarks.


See Also: Creating and Modifying Table Structures in the Database Essentials section of the Developing Database Applications book.


All of the examples in this section of the documentation are designed to work with the data files provided with the Order Entry Sample Application workspace. Due to this, any of the example code provided here can easily be copied and pasted into the Studio and tested.

Note: You may want to back up the tables for the Order Entry Sample Application workspace before testing any example code that modifies the data file structure of these tables. To do so, you can simply back up the Data subfolder of this workspace.


For example, to test the example code for the DF_DATE_FORMAT API attribute, you can use the following code:


Object oButton1 is a Button

    Set Location to 73 106

    Set Label to "oButton1"


    Procedure OnClick

        Send ShowFormats

    End_Procedure // OnClick


    Procedure ShowFormats

        Integer iDateFormat iDateSep iDecimalSep iThousandSep

        String sDateFormat


        Get_Attribute DF_DATE_FORMAT to iDateFormat

        Get_Attribute DF_DATE_SEPARATOR to iDateSep

        Get_Attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to iDecimalSep

        Get_Attribute DF_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR to iThousandSep


        If (iDateFormat = DF_DATE_USA) Move "USA" to sDateFormat

        Else If (iDateFormat = DF_DATE_EUROPEAN) Move "European" to sDateFormat

        Else If (iDateFormat = DF_DATE_MILITARY) Move "Military" to sDateFormat

        Else Move "Unknown" to sDateFormat


        Send Info_Box ("Formats:\nDate:" * sDateFormat + ;

            "\nDate separator:" * Character(iDateSep) + ;

            "\nDecimal separator:" * Character(iDecimalSep) + ;

            "\nThousand separator:" * Character(iThousandSep))

    End_Procedure // ShowFormats




Lists of Attributes