
See Also: File I/O Commands, CopyFile, File_Exist, Remove_Directory, Set_Directory


Deletes one or more disk files


EraseFile {file-spec}


What It Does

EraseFile deletes the file(s) identified by {file-spec}. EraseFile will use the current working folder, unless a path is provided as part of file specification. You may use any valid Windows file specification (including wildcard characters).


Be extremely cautious with erasefile. DO NOT CALL ERASEFILE WITHOUT ANY ARGUMENTS! Doing so will delete all files in the current working folder without any warning.



The sample deletes the file "hello.txt" in the current working folder (since a path is not specified).

EraseFile "hello.txt"



The sample deletes all files with the file extension "txt" in the "C:\My Notes" folder.

EraseFile "C:\My Notes\*.txt"



The sample deletes the file "notes.txt" in the "C:\My Notes" folder, then checks whether it was successfully deleted. It then notifies the user of the result. The function DeleteFile is written in a generic manner so it can be used with any file.

Function DeleteFile String sFile Returns Boolean

    Boolean bExist


    EraseFile sFile

    File_Exist sFile bExist


    // this function returns whether the deletion was successful, thus:

    // return False (did not delete) if file still exists and True (did delete) if it does not

    Function_Return (not(bExist))



Procedure DeleteMyNotes

    String sFile

    Boolean bSuccess


    Move "C:\My Notes\Hello.txt" to sFile

    Get DeleteFile sFile to bSuccess

    If (bSuccess) Begin

        Send Info_Box ("The file ' + sFile + "' was deleted successfully" "Success!")


    Else Begin

        Send Stop_Box ("The file ' + sFile + "' was NOT deleted successfully" "Error!")




Send DeleteMyNotes



EraseFile "C:\Temp\Test"

EraseFile "C:\Temp\Test\*.*"