Error_Object_id Global Variable

See Also: Err, Error Command, Error_Report Command


To identify the object to be used for handling of error reports.



What It Does

WebAppError.pkg should be used for Web applications and DfError.pkg for Windows / FlexTron applications. When those packages are used, an object, oErrorHandler, of the respective cWebErrorHandler or cWindowsErrorHandler class, is created.

When the cWindowsErrorHandler or cWebErrorHandler class is instanciated, the value of its object_id is moved to predefined variable error_object_id as well as to the global variable ghoErrorHandler. When the value of error_object_id is greater than 0, as it is after the oErrorHandler object creation, error events not diverted or deferred send a message to the error object.

ghoErrorHandler is the central error handling object instance (both on Windows and Web). Error_Object_Id is the active error object, which is usually the same as ghoErrorHandler, but can also be a different object (business processes can change the Error_Object_Id, for example).
