
See Also: RowId, RowId Helper Functions


Finds a record for a table by its RowId

Return Type




FindByRowId( {hTable}, {RowId} )





Function RefindLastRecord returns Boolean

    RowId riCustomer

    Boolean bFound


    Get priLastRow to riCustomer

    If (not(IsNullRowId(riCustomer))) begin      

        Move (FindByRowId(Customer.File_Number, riCustomer)) to bFound


    Function_Return bFound




FindByRowId attempts to find a record by performing a find EQ based on a record's RowId. The function is passed a table number and a RowId and it returns a boolean determining if a row was found.

If a record is found, the function:

  1. Returns True

  2. Sets the Found indicator to True

  3. Has an active row loaded in the table's buffer


If a record is not found, the function:

  1. Returns False

  2. Sets the Found indicator to False

  3. Clears all columns in the table's buffer


If a null RowId is used in the function, no row is found and the table buffer is cleared.

The RowId value passed must be a valid RowId for the finding table. Passing a RowId from a different table, yields undefined behavior.