
See Also: File I/O Commands, Append_Output, Direct_Input, Close_Output, Get_Channel_Position, Get_Channel_Size, Open, Output, Set_Channel_Position, Write, Writeln, Seq_New_Channel, Seq_Release_Channel, Seqeof, Channel command component, Sequential File I/O


Immediately forces a write of cached output data.


General syntax:

Flush_Output [Channel {ChannelNumber}


{ChannelNumber} may be 0 through 9, and if omitted, will be assumed to be 0 (default for input) or the last channel number explicitly specified in code executed previously

The term Channel must be hard-coded.

What It Does

Use this command to flush output to a file when using Direct_Output or Append_Output to improve performance the runtime caches file output, so it can write it in larger chunks. The Flush_Output command immediately forces a write of this cached data. This can be useful when writing to a log file while troubleshooting application crashes. Note that doing a flush is not necessary when closing the output, as the Close_Output command itself already does this.


A simple sample of flushing output.

WriteLn " - - - Log line 1 - - - "

WriteLn " - - - Another line - - - "



A simple sample of flushing output using channels.

WriteLn Channel iLogChnl " - - - Log line 1 - - - "

Flush_Output Channel iLogChnl