
See Also: File I/O Commands, Append_Output, Direct_Input, Direct_Output, Set_Channel_Position, Sequential File I/O


Gets the value of the file offset of a sequential file channel.


Get_Channel_Position {channel-num} To {variable}

Argument Explanation

{channel-num} A value between 0 and 9, the sequential channel. 0 is the default for Direct_Input, 1 is the default for Direct_Output.

{variable} A variable into which the number of the channel is returned.

What It Does

The channel position is the offset to the last byte accessed in a sequential file. If a file is opened with Direct_Input, the channel position will return the last byte read by input commands such as Readln. For files opened with Direct_Output or Append_Output, the channel position will return the last byte written by output commands such as Writeln.

Get_Channel_Position can return two values that have a special meaning. Position 0 is before the first byte in the file, while the value 1 is after the end of the file. The position can be set to after the end of a file using Set_Channel_Position.


Integer iCount

Integer iPos

String  sBuffer


// Create a text file

Direct_output "hello.txt"

For iCount From 1 To 10

    Get_Channel_Position 1 To iPos

    Showln "Writing at offset " iPos " in hello.txt"

    Writeln "Line: " iCount " - Hello!"



Get_Channel_Position 1 To iPos


Showln "Position at end of file in hello.txt is " iPos

// Error returns 0.

Get_Channel_Position 9 To iPos

Showln "Error position is " iPos


// Open file for input.

Direct_Input "hello.txt"

While (Not(Seqeof))

    Get_Channel_Position 0 To iPos

    Showln "Reading at position " iPos " in hello.txt is " iPos

    // Read from the text file.

    Readln sBuffer



