
See Also: Direct_Input, Get_Drive_Directory, RunProgram, Set_Directory


To return the full path of the user's current folder, including the drive letter.


Get_Current_Directory to {variable}

What It Does

Get_Current_Directory returns the current working folder in {variable}. The current folder is generally the psProgramPath value in the current workspace, but it can be changed. Normally, it is the "Start In" folder of a program shortcut (menu or shortcut file). If no "start in" location is specified in the shortcut, it will be the Windows system folder (usually C:\windows\system32). It can also be the folder where the .exe is started from (using Windows Explorer).


The example below demonstrates how the current folder name is fetched, changed to the root folder of drive C, and then queried again.

Procedure CurrentFolder

    String sFolder


    // Retrieve the current folder.

    Get_Current_Directory to sFolder

    Send Info_Box sFolder "current folder"

    // Set to the root folder of drive C 

    Set_Directory "C:\"

    // Now, get the new current folder. 

    Get_Current_Directory to sFolder

    Send Info_Box sFolder "current folder"



Send CurrentFolder
