See Also: File I/O Commands, File_Exist, Make_Directory, Make_Temp_File, Remove_Directory, Valid_Drive
To obtain the current working folder for a given drive letter.
Get_Directory [{drive}] {variable}
{drive} is the letter designating the disk drive. You may terminate the variable with a colon, ':', if you wish. That is, both "C" and "C:" are acceptable values for drive. If the {drive} parameter is omitted, the current drive is assumed.
Get_Directory returns the current working folder in {variable} for a given drive.
This sample shows how to get current folders for all valid drives.
String sFolder
Integer i // Counter for all drives.
Integer bInvalidDrive
// Retrieve the current folder.
For i From 65 To 90 // A to Z
// Check if drive is OK.
// Note: Can still have a media not ready error.
Valid_Drive (Character(i)) bInvalidDrive
If (Not(bInvalidDrive)) Begin
Move "" to sFolder // Reset the value
Get_Directory (Character(i)) sFolder
Showln "Current folder for drive " ;
(Character(i)) " is " sFolder
If the specified drive does not exist or contains bad media, an error is reported.