
See Also: FlexCOM Helper Functions, IsComObject, IsComObjectCreated, pvComObject


Returns True if the passed variable or property is of type variant IDispatch* and is set to NULL. Returns False if the passed value is a non-NULL IDispatch* value.

Return Type



(IsNullComObject( {vComObject} ))


What it Does

This Boolean function returns True if the passed variable or property is of type variant IDispatch* and is set to NULL. It will return False if the passed value is a non-NULL IDispatch* value.

Use this function instead of attempting to use an IDispatch* variant in a comparative expression like (vComObject = 0). Such an expression would never work and would raise a runtime error.

The following example tests a variant variable using IsNullComObject to see if it is a Null IDispatch*.

Variant vMyVar


// ...


If (Not(IsNullComObject(vMyVar))) Begin

    Move (NullComObject()) To vMyVar
