
See Also: FlexCOM Helper Functions, IsComObject, IsNullComObject, IsComObjectCreated, pvComObject


Returns True if the two parameters are of type variant and point to the same COM object.

Return Type



(IsSameComObject( {vComObject1 }, {vComObject2 } ))



What It Does

This Boolean function returns True if the two parameters are of type Variant and point to the same COM object.

Use this function in place of the expression (vComObject1 = vComObject2). Such an expression is illegal and would raise a runtime error.

The following example loops through a collection automation object and uses the IsSameComObject function to determine the index of the current object in the collection.

Handle hoTestNode

Variant vTestNode vCurrentNode

Integer iNode icNode iCurrent


Object oNodes is a cComafNodes // cComAutomationObject



Send AttachActiveObject of oNodes


If (IsComObjectCreated(oNodes)) Begin

    // Get IDispatch* of the current node

    Get ComCurrentNode of oNodes To vCurrentNode

    // Get the number of nodes in the collection

    Get ComCount of oNodes To icNode


    // iterate through the nodes collection

    Move 1 To iNode


    While ((iNode <= icNode))

        // Get a IDispatch* to the i'th node

        Get ComItem of oNodes iNode To vTestNode

        // test If this is the current node

        If (IsSameComObject(vCurrentNode, vTestNode))) Begin

            Move iNode To iCurrent // store the index

            Move icNode To iNode    // jump out of the Loop


        Increment iNode

