Language Reference

The DataFlex Language Reference is a comprehensive alphabetic reference to the commands, functions, and keywords of DataFlex. Each subject is treated in depth, with illustrative examples of how they are used.

The Language Reference is not, however, a standalone guide to DataFlex. Before you use the Language Reference you should already be familiar with the concepts presented in the DataFlex Language Guide and have a foundation of knowledge of DataFlex programs, how to use the Studio, and the basics of database file design and management. This information is presented in other documentation supplied with DataFlex.

Although the Language Reference is not designed to be a learning vehicle, it can rapidly and efficiently extend your knowledge of the DataFlex language once you have mastered the basics. Each article, for example, has a section entitled "See Also" in which other articles on related subjects are identified. Similarly, the heading of each article on a command or function identifies the group of similar commands or functions of which it is a member.


Special typefaces and symbols are used when describing the syntax of the DataFlex programming language in this guide. These symbols are described in the following table.

Typeface or symbol


Monospace type

Monospaced text is used to represent programming code and code elements as it must be typed. It is also used for all the following symbols.


Square brackets are used to enclose optional syntax. You should not type square brackets verbatim.


Text within {} braces represents DataFlex identifiers such as variable names, object names, or method names.


Where an element is one of several mutually exclusive choices, the choices are separated from each other by a vertical bar (|).

All other punctuation, is literal, and must be typed, if used, in statements.