
See Also: Understanding File Buffers and DDO Field Buffers, Add, Decrement, Increment, Subtract, SFormat, Append, Expression Syntax


To assign a value to a variable.


Move {expression} to {variable}

What It Does

Move allows you to copy data from any constant, field, window, or variable into any other field, window, or variable. The arguments may be of different types and/or classes. All necessary conversions will be done automatically, except where a value is "impossible" for the variable type. Examples of "impossible" values are 12/31 for a Date, or A1587 for a Number. No combination of characters is impossible for a String type variable.

Where data is impossible for the type of variable, DataFlex will declare an Error 51 "Bad format of expression (operand)", or other error explicitly naming the incompatibility and continue with execution. "Impossible" values for Numbers and Dates result in a value of zero in variable.

Where data is too long for the declared length of variable, the moved data is simply truncated on the right, and execution continues without error. Where this condition is an undesired possibility, it should be trapped with appropriate commands. On the other hand, this function represents a valid and often convenient way of accomplishing truncation where it is desired.


Number nNum

String sString


Move "California" To sString

In this example, the String constant "California" is moved to string variable sString. If that variable were other than a string type variable, this command would report an error at runtime, because the value California cannot be a number.


String sActive


Move Vendor.Name To sActive

In this example, the value of Field name in Database table vendor is moved to string variable sActive.


Move 07/12/1999 To Sales.Order_date

In this example, the literal date 07/12/86 is moved to Field order_date in database table sales. If Field order_date were not of Type Date, this command would trigger an error.


Move (Sales.Ord_date + 30) To Sales.Due_date

In this example, the value of Field due_date in Database table sales, plus 30, is moved to Field due_date in the same table.


Initializing struct variable members:

In the example below, move is used to initialize members of the myBillingAddress struct variable.

Struct tUSAddress

    String sFirstName

    String sLastName

    String sAddressLine1

    String sAddressLine2

    String sCity

    String sState

    Integer iZipCode



Procedure CreateBillingAddress

    tUSAddress myBillingAddress


    // initialize myBillingAddress

    Move "John"                  to myBillingAddress.sFirstName

    Move "Smith"                 to myBillingAddress.sLastName

    Move "Data Access Worldwide" to myBillingAddress.sAddressLine1

    Move "14000 SW 119 Ave"      to myBillingAddress.sAddressLine2

    Move "Miami"                 to myBillingAddress.sCity

    Move "FL"                    to myBillingAddress.sState

    Move "33186"                 to myBillingAddress.iZipCode



Copying struct variable members:

Assume that the example below is a continuation of the sample above, using the same struct declaration for tUSAddress. Here, move is used to copy the value of myBillingAddress to myShippingAddress. Using move to copy struct variables uses a deep memberwise copy operation to copy each struct variable member value from the first struct variable to the second struct variable.

Procedure CreateShippingAddress tUSAddress myBillingAddress

    tUSAddress myShippingAddress


    Move myBillingAddress to myShippingAddress


Re-initializing struct variable members:

There is a quick way to re-initialize array variables to their original (blank) values. Simply move an un-initialized array variable of the same type:

Struct tTest

    Integer iTest

    String sTest



Procedure Test

    tTest localTest blankTest


    // initialize localTest with values

    Move 104 to localTest.iTest

    Move "Fred" to localTest.sTest


    // re-initialize localTest elements to their original (blank) values

    Move blankTest to localTest


The same can be done with struct properties:

Property tTest pMyTest


Procedure ReinitializepMyTest

    tTest blankTest


    Set pMyTest to blankTest



Initializing array variable members:

In the example below, move is used to initialize members of the iValues array variable. You can also use FillArray to initialize array values.

Procedure Example

    Integer[10] iValues

    Integer i


    For i From 0 to 9

        Move (i+1) to iValues[i]




Initializing array variable members:

In the example below, move is used to initialize members of the myFriends array variable, which is a dynamic array of tFriends structs.

Struct tFriends

    String sName

    String sPhoneNumber



Procedure Example

    tFriends[] myFriends


    Move "John" to myFriends[0].sName

    Move "305-238-0012" to myFriends[0].sPhoneNumber

    Move "Susie" to myFriends[1].sName

    Move "305-555-1212" to myFriends[1].sPhoneNumber



Tip: AppendArray Alternative

You can append values to the end of a dynamic array using Move and passing [-1] as the array indexer as an alternative to AppendArray.

Procedure Example

    tFriends[] myFriends

    tFriends friend


    Move "John" to friend.sName

    Move "305-238-0012" to friend.sPhoneNumber

    Move friend to myFriends[-1]


    Move "Susie" to friend.sName

    Move "305-555-1212" to friend.sPhoneNumber

    Move friend to myFriends[-1]




Copying array variable members:

The example below move is used to copy the value of array variable sValues1 to sValues2. Using move to copy array variables uses a deep memberwise copy operation to copy each array variable member value from the first array variable to the second array variable. To copy a range of array elements to another array, rather than the whole array, use CopyArray.

Procedure Example

    String[5] sValues1 sValues2


    // some code to initialize sValues1


    Move sValues1 to sValues2



You can use the Move command to move an object access name to handle variable. The following example moves the object ID of object oMyObject to a handle variable:

Move oMyObject To hoMyObject

The command actually move the result of an object access expression to the handle variable. At runtime, the following samples are identical.

Move oMyObject To hoMyObject 

Move (oMyObject(Self)) to hoMyObject

This value of the object is determined at runtime and uses the standard DataFlex object access evaluation process. This non-expression move syntax is supported to make it easier to read and write programs.

If you will be using an object name many times in the same program it is more efficient to move the object name to a handle variable and use the handle variable.

Procedue ShowAll

    Handle hoMyList

    String sValue

    Integer iCount i


    Move oMyList to hoMyList  // this access method is only evaluated once!

    Get Item_Count of hoMyList to iCount

    For i from 0 to (iCount-1)

        Get Value of hoMyList i to sValue

        Send ProcessValue sValue

