
See Also: NamedValueGet, NamedValueIndex, NamedValueRemove, OnGetNavigateForwardData


Adds or replaces a name and value to a tNameValuePair array that is part of tWebNavigateData during forward navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface).

Returns an array of tNameValuePair data with the updated name/value data.

Return Type



Use NameValuePairFunctions.pkg


Function NamedValueAdd Global tNameValuePair[] Data String sName String sValue Returns tNameValuePair[]



What It Does

NamedValueAdd adds a name and value to a tNameValuePair array during navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface).

If the name does not yet exist in the array, the name/value pair will be added as a new array element. If the name exists, the value will be updated. The name search is case insensitive.

Procedure OnGetNavigateForwardData tWebNavigateData ByRef NavigateData Handle hoToView

    Get NamedValueAdd NavigateData.NamedValues "Header" "New Order" to NavigateData.NamedValues
