
See Also: NamedValueAdd, NamedValueIndex, NamedValueRemove, OnGetNavigateForwardData


Gets the value for the passed name of a tNameValuePair array that is part of tWebNavigateData during navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface).

Returns the value for the name as a string. If the value is not found, it returns an empty string.

Return Type



Use NameValuePairFunctions.pkg


Function NamedValueGet tNameValuePair[] Data String sName Returns String



What It Does

NamedValueGet is used to retrieve the value for a named pair during forward and back navigation in a mobile web application (drilldown interface).

It performs a case-insensitive search for the passed name. If a match is found, the function will return the value for that name. If a match is not found, it returns an empty string.

Get NamedValueGet NavigateData.NamedValues "InvtHeader" to sValue

Get NamedValueGet NavigateData.NamedValues "RenderThis" to bRender

WebSet pbRender of oHeader to bRender

WebSet psCaption of oHeader to sValue

If you need to actually know if a named value pair exists, you can use NamedValueIndex to determine this and retrieve the value.