
See Also: Understanding File Buffers and DDO Field Buffers, Lock, Reread, SaveRecord


To allow preparation of the record buffer for creating a new record without clearing the buffer.


NewRecord table

table is the logical name or filelist number used to identify the table.

What It Does

NewRecord allows you to prepare the record buffer for creation of a new record while retaining all existing data in the record buffer (with the exception of Recnum). This allows you to find an existing record and clone the information with a single line of code. You should then, of course, change data in uniquely indexed columns to avoid getting a duplicate record error when saving the new (cloned) record.


Procedure Test2

    Open Customer

    Find Gt Customer by 1


        NewRecord Customer

        Move 1001 to Customer.Customer_Number

        SaveRecord Customer



In this example, an existing customer record is found. The NewRecord command is used to prepare the record buffer for creating a new record while retaining all information in the record buffer. Then, one column (Customer.Customer_Number) is changed and the new record saved. The new record will have all the same information in it as the record that was found, with the exception of the column that was specifically modified.