
See Also: Declaring Variables, Variable Declaration Commands, Struct, Number Function


Declares one or more Number variables.


To declare Number variables

Number {identifier} […{identifier}]


To declare array variables of type Number

Number{dimension-list} {identifier} […{identifier}]


What It Does

Number defines in memory variables which are to contain numeric type data. Numeric variables allow for 14 digits to the left of the decimal point and eight to the right of the decimal point.

A Number variable can contain any value in the range of -99999999999999.99999999 to 99999999999999.99999999 (-99,999,999,999,999.99999999 to 99,999,999,999,999.99999999).

Multiple variables may be declared on one command line, with their names separated from each other by spaces..


Procedure CalculateTotal

    Number nQuantity nTot nSum nAmount



In this example, four variables of type Number variables are declared:. nQuantity, nTot, nSum, and nAmount.


Number[] nCreditBalances

This example declares 1 dynamic array variable, named nCreditBalances, containing an undefined number of elements of type number.

Number[5] nCreditBalances

This example declares 1 static array variable, named nCreditBalances, containing 5 of elements of type number.

Number[][3] nCreditBalances

This example creates a two-dimensional dynamic array variable named nCreditBalances, containing an undefined number of elements of type number. Conceptually, this represents a rectangular array with an undefined number of rows, each of 3 columns.

You can declare dynamic multi-dimensional arrays where all dimensions are dynamic; these are called jagged arrays.
