
See Also: BasicReport class, Append_Output, Direct_Output, Print, Output_Wrap, Set_Channel_Position


To write an image to a sequential file, device, or text field. This command is only used with legacy style reports that use screen images for output formatting, such as the BasicReport class; most DataFlex reports do not use this technique (or this command).


Output [Channel {channel-num}] [{page-name}]

What It Does

Output transfers data, prompts and formatting to the device named in the direct_output or append_output command in force.

Data in windows is usually the purpose of outputting an image. All data desired to be present in the output must be in the windows of pagename before the output command is executed.

Empty windows in pagename will be output as underscores unless they are blankformed before the output command.

When append_output is in force, the point in a file at which writing is done can be changed by use of the set_channel_position command. Outputting before the end of a file overwrites existing data. There is no insert mode for sequential output.

It is unnecessary ever to use the channel feature unless at some point you need more than one output destination, or more than one input source, at the same time in your program.


Direct_Output "LST:"

Output invoice

This example outputs Image invoice to the printer.
