See Also: File I/O Commands, Direct_Input, Read, Readln, Read_Block, Write_Hex, Sequential File I/O
To read binary data as two-byte hexadecimal numbers.
Read_Hex [Channel {channel-num}] {variable} [{length}]
channel channelNum
Input channel to read data from. If omitted, the channel will be that specified in the most recently executed Direct_Input, read, read_block, or readln command in which channel was specified or implied.
Variable is required, may be of any type except Indicator and cannot be a constant. Additional variables may be on the command line, separated by spaces, without limit.
Length is the number of hex values to read. If not used, all data in hex format will be read.
Read_hex reads length hexadecimal characters into variable from the file or device named in the most recently executed Direct_Input command. Read_hex can be used in conjunction with write_hex to convert data between binary and text formats.
It will read the number of bytes specified (by the length parameter) or until non-hex data (which includes the end of line) is encountered. The byte encountered is not read and will remain on the input stream. Specifying 0 as the length reads until non-hex data is encountered.
This command works similarly to the Read_Block command. You can use Read_Hex when reading text formatted as hexadecimal digits, and Read_Block for normal text.
String sTextData
Direct_Input "TestHex"
Read_Hex sTextData 13
Showln sTextData
In the example above, assume the file TESTHEX contains the following characters:
Then the following would be displayed:
Hello, world!
String sData1 sData2 sData3
Direct_Input "TestHex"
Read_Hex sData2 2
Read_Block 1
Read_Hex sData2 2
In the example above, assume the file TESTHEX contains the following characters:
So the hexadecimal characters are separated by non-hexadecimal characters. You will need to use Read_Block to read the non-hexadecimal characters, then continue using Read_Hex.
It is highly recommended to always use the channel feature when doing any sequential I/O, thus making your code more reusable and ready for use with multiple I/O channels if the need arises.
If the optional length parameter is not used, the command will read as much data as it can; all data that is in hexadecimal format will be read.
The input file or device must be opened with the Direct_Input command prior to using Read_Hex.
You can use Read_Block to read an entire file into a UChar[].