
See Also: File I/O Commands, Direct_Input, Readln, Read_Block, Set_Channel_Position, SeqEOF, SeqEOL, Write, UCharArrayToString, Channel command component, Sequential File I/O


To read a line of data from a sequential file, device, text field, or image, and move its "words" into one or more variables.


ReadLn [Channel {channelNum}] {variable} […{variable}]

channel channelNum

Input channel to read data from. If omitted, the channel will be that specified in the last executed Direct_Input, Read, Read_Block, or ReadLn command in which channel was specified or implied.


Optional, may be of any type except Indicator and cannot be a constant. Additional variables may be on the command line, separated by spaces, without limit.

What It Does

Readln reads data from the input file or device named in the most recently executed Direct_Input command. The first ReadLn command in the program reads data from the first line of the input file or device until it finds an end of line character. Then it moves the data to variable (if at least one variable was passed). If there is more than one variable, ReadLn will perform an internal read command on the portion of the data read in which precedes the first embedded comma (,) in the data and move it to the first variable, and the remainder into the next, and so on until there are no more commas in the remaining data, or the variables are exhausted.

Readln sets Predefined Indicator SeqEOL false every time it is executed, and Predefined Indicator SeqEOF true when the end of the file is reached.


For the following example, assume file infile.txt has two lines, as follows:

One, "Dos" , "Trois"

Four, "Cinco", "Six"

String s1 s2 s3 s4

Number n1 n2 n3

Direct_Input "infile.txt"

Readln s1 s2 s3

The ReadLn command would read One into String Variable s1, Dos into Variable s2, and "Trois" into Variable s3. The spaces around Dos would be discarded, since ReadLn executed a read command on it, but the quotation mark which began the third value ("Trois") would not be stripped, because ReadLn itself does not strip embedding or delimiting characters.

Readln reads all of the remainder of the input line into its last variable, regardless of delimiting characters which might be in that remainder, and it strips only the end of line character from the data, not delimiters or embedded characters. When the last variable has been read into, execution proceeds to the next command. See the read command for a complete discussion of delimiting, embedding, and discard characters.

If a tab character (ASCII 9) is processed through the last variable of a ReadLn command, it will be replaced with the number of spaces required to pad the string to a length which is a multiple of 8 (the standard tab function). Thus, if the input line were <tab>A, the command ReadLn var would produce output of 8 spaces followed by an A. If the input line were B<tab>A, the output would be B followed by 7 spaces followed by an A. This replacement does not occur for variables preceding the last one, since they are processed internally by the read command. If the file is opened in BINARY: mode the tab replacement does not take place.

If an end-of-line is encountered before the variables are exhausted, the remaining variables are filled with blank ("") if they are of type String or zero if they are of type Date or a numeric data type, and execution proceeds to the next command. When the number of variables exceeds the number of delimited items on the line in this manner, delimiters and embedded characters are stripped from the contents of all variables, because they were all read in internally by the read command. The first variable after the last delimited item discards the end-of-line character in the input data. A dummy variable may be provided for this purpose.


For the following example, assume file infile.txt has two lines, as follows:

One, "Dos" , "Trois"

Four, "Cinco", "Six"

String s1 s2 s3 s4

Number n1 n2 n3


Direct_Input "infile.txt"

Readln s1 s2 s3 s4

In this example, String Variable s1 would contain One, s2 would contain Dos, s3 would contain Trois, and s4, having discarded the end of line character, would be blank.


Successive ReadLn commands pick up where the previous ReadLn command left off, that is, on the next line of data.

Readln checks read data for the types of the destination variables, and truncates any items which exceed the declared length of String variables. Different types of variables may be intermixed in the same ReadLn command.

Assume the first ReadLn command above were replaced by a command which referred to the numbers declared in the program:

Readln n1 n2 n3

This command would generate three DataFlex errors, since the data does not qualify for Type Number.

Reading CSV File Data Example

A very common use of ReadLn is to read a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

For the following example demonstrates how to read a CSV file containing customer data.

Procedure ReadCustomerCSVFile

    String sCustomerName sVoid

    Integer iCustId

    Number nPurchases nBalance


    Direct_Input "CustomerData.Csv"


        Readln iCustId sCustomerName nPurchases nBalance

        If (iCustId > 0) Begin

            // process data


    Until (SeqEOF)





Send ReadCustomerCSVFile

Reading Files From a Folder Example

Another very common use of ReadLn is to read files and subfolders of a disk folder.

For the following example demonstrates how to read a files and folders from a disk folder. After each loop iteration, sLine will contains either a file or subfolder name. Subfolder names are enclosed in [ and ] characters. For example "[SubFolderName]".

Procedure ReadDiskFolder String sFolder

    String sLine


    Direct_Input ("dir: " + sFolder)



        Readln sLine

        Showln sLine

    Until (SeqEof)


    Send Info_Box "Done"



String sFolder

Move "C:\MyProject\Data" to sFolder

Send ReadDiskFolder sFolder


Readln s1 s2 s3

is exactly the same as the result of this line of code:

Read s1 s2

Readln s3