See Also: File I/O Functions, Seq_Release_Channel, Append_Output, Close_Input, Close_Output, Direct_Input, Direct_Output, Sequential File I/O
Retrieves the next available sequential input/output (I/O) channel in an organized way. Specifying a channel number without these management functions can result in a collision. Open output can be closed without wanting to do so explicitly.
Use seq_chnl.pkg
Use seq_chnl.pkg
Integer iChannel
Move (Seq_New_Channel()) to iChannel
// some sequential I/O work...
Send Seq_Release_Channel iChannel
Use seq_chnl.pkg
Procedure ChannelExample
Integer iChIn iChOut
String sFileIn sFileOut sLineIn
// specify the original (input) file name
Move "c:\testfile.txt" to sFileIn
// specify the new (output) file name
Move "c:\newfile.txt" to sFileOut
// obtain 2 open channels, 1 for input, 1 for output
Move (Seq_New_Channel()) to iChIn
// no channel available
Send Info_Box "No Channel Available for Process" "Error"
Move (Seq_New_Channel()) to iChOut
// no channel available
Send Info_Box "No Channel Available for Process" "Error"
// if iChIn contains a valid channel, release it
Send Seq_Release_Channel iChIn
// at this time both iChIn and iChOut contain a valid value
Direct_Input Channel iChIn sFileIn // open input channel
Direct_Output Ehannel iChOut sFileOut // open output channel
// read a line from input file
Readln Channel iChIn sLineIn
If (not (SeqEOF)) begin
// write the line to output file
Writeln Channel iChOut sLineIn
Until (SeqEOF) // until sequential end of file
Close_Input Channel iChIn // close input channel
Close_Output Channel iChOut // close output channel
// release both channels for reuse
Send Seq_Release_Channel iChIn
Send Seq_Release_Channel iChOut
The Seq_New_Channel function can return a number of predefined constants:
(predefined value = 0)
The returned channel number must be a minimum of this value to be a
valid channel.
(predefined value = 9)
The returned channel number must be a maximum of this value to be a
valid channel.
(predefined value = 2)
The default channels for sequential input and output operations are
0 and 1, when not using channels. Thus, the Seq_New_Channel function
will start looking for available channels at 2 and use 0 and 1 last.
(predefined value = -2)
This value will be returned if no channel is currently available for
sequential input and output operations.
Valid channel numbers are DF_SEQ_CHANNEL_MIN through DF_SEQ_CHANNEL_MAX. The first returned channel number will be 2 because the channel numbers 0 and 1 are the default channels for direct_input and direct_output to operate on. When the function is called over 8 times the numbers 0 and 1 will be returned.
If no channel is available, the return value of this function will be DF_SEQ_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE. This function should be used to find an available I/O channel for use in sequential input and output operations. Usually this means that either the channel management is used incorrectly or that you want to use too many I/O channels at one time.
The function does NOT open the I/O channel for you. That must be done with a direct_input, direct_output or an append_output command.
Using this management function can only be successful when applied in all cases in a program.